Monday, January 30, 2012

L-O-V-E (You just spelt that in your head, didn't you?)

What does it mean to love someone? Can anyone really answer that question definitively? I’m not so sure. Love is a very subjective feeling stemming from so many things going on within our brains: past experiences, memories, ways we have conditioned ourselves to feel about love. Some might argue that, yes, love is experienced differently, but there is only one way to truly love another person. And I can’t answer that either. Not for anyone else, at least. Some people love like the flick of a lighter- hot, quick, and then it’s over. Some people love like a wild fire- quick to heat up, intense, and raging out of control, ultimately burning everything in its wake. Then some people, they love like an ember- a small speck of heat growing slowly, with nurture and nature coming together, building, building, BUILDING until the warmth is all encompassing; all around them. It’s honestly contained and quietly passionate. Some of these are harmful and destructive, but each one serves a purpose in our lives. Sometimes, we love quickly because we are happy and naïve and we think tomorrow can’t catch us if we live in today. Other times, we have that kind of love that is dysfunctional and overbearing, but fulfilling in some strange way. Like a bittersweet candy- a lemon drop round and yellow- stuck in the crevice of the tongue. It wreaks havoc on everything you are until there is nothing left. But some people are lucky enough to find real love more than once in a lifetime. Some might say that you cannot love, the truest of love, more than once in a lifetime. But, I would venture to say they are wrong. See, to me, true love is not something that has an expiration date or something you can try to dictate.

So, I guess it comes back to the original question: what does it mean to love someone. It’s hard and wonderful, complicated and beautiful, but in the end- really so simple. Loving someone means wanting what’s best for them, even if it’s not what is easiest for you. It’s about accepting someone for who they are at their core and not trying to alter it or change it to conform to your needs. Who they are already should be enough for you. Loving someone means bringing out the best part of them and allowing them to do the same. You should love them for their attributes as well as their faults. Love means compromise. Love means being honest and vulnerable, even though that means letting someone see your weaknesses. Love is not jealous or vindictive. Love involves being humble. It is communication even if it’s three in the morning and you feel like you can’t keep your eyes open. Love is letting your pride take the backseat. Love is the bravest, yet scariest thing you will ever do. Love is unconditional- you cannot with hold it just because someone isn’t ready to give it back. Love is finding someone who makes you feel like you are at home in any given place.

Yeah, it’s hard. We’ve established that. But, it’s not impossible. And I certainly don’t feel it is impossible to find more than once. You just have to open yourself up to it. That’s the hard part- realizing there are no guarantees. We might hesitate to say that we love someone for fear that it might not be returned. But, if you don’t take the risk- you’ll never know. And life is too short not to say it out loud.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tales of a Duplicitous Heart

The Woman Who Could Not Live With Her Faulty Heart
Margaret Atwood

I do not mean the symbol

of love, a candy shape

to decorate cakes with,

the heart that is supposed

to belong or break;

I mean this lump of muscle

that contracts like a flayed biceps,

purple-blue, with its skin of suet,

its skin of gristle, this isolate,

this caved hermit, unshelled

turtle, this one lungful of blood,

no happy plateful.

All hearts float in their own

deep oceans of no light,

wetblack and glimmering,

their four mouths gulping like fish.

Hearts are said to pound:

this is to be expected, the heart’s

regular struggle against being drowned.

But most hearts say, I want, I want,

I want, I want. My heart

is more duplicitous,

though to twin as I once thought.

It says, I want, I don’t want, I

want, and then a pause.

It forces me to listen,

and at night it is the infra-red

third eye that remains open

while the other two are sleeping

but refuses to say what it has seen.

It is a constant pestering

in my ears, a caught moth, limping drum,

a child’s fist beating

itself against the bedsprings:

I want, I don’t want.

How can one live with such a heart?

Long ago I gave up singing

to it, it will never be satisfied or lulled.

One night I will say to it:

Heart, be still,

and it will.

It never ceases to amaze me when an author can put themselves so directly into the psyche of anyone who reads their material. That's what Margaret Atwood did in this piece. Ah, the duplicitous well we are acquainted. Especially as of late I have felt it tugging at itself, longing to burst through its metaphorical restraints. And it is confusing and upsetting, frustrating and paralyzing. The last adjective might seem mildly dramatic, but I assure you- it's not. When you are trying to make tough decisions or decipher a situation you need your heart to be on your side. It's the one thing you should always be able to count on. If it doesn't even know what it wants, how in the worldl am I supposed to figure it out? You have no idea what to do, and that, my friends, is paralyzing. It makes you want to repremand it, like a child wailing about on the floor: "You know better than to act this way. Now, get up and pull yourself together. Don't make me have to tell you again." And I would say that to it...if a heart actually listened and I wouldn't look like a paranoid schizophrenic who'd gone off their meds.
But, you can't make your heart listen. It's just a muscle. But, a heart can be conditioned. It can be trained and taught to do what you want it to do, both physically and emotionally. I've said it before and I'll say it again- I'm a big believer in choosing to be happy. Your heart might be breaking, splitting into fragments of its former self and you might be too. You can either lie there on the floor, content to let the pain slowly erase you, or you can stand up and begin a new chapter. You can smile. You can dance. You can sing. You can create. You can breathe. You can laugh. You can dream. You can begin again. Do you understand? You can begin again. One of the most important things to understand about hearts is this: you must know when to condition and when to just close your eyes, suck it up, and listen. A heart doesn't always say what we want to hear, but somtimes it says the one thing we truly need to know.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I go to bed and my heart aches a little-

Just a little.

I can hear your voice and see your face,

And I want to believe everything will

Be okay.

But, I lie there pretending to sleep,

And my mind keeps spinning

Like a race car about to crash

Because, ultimately, it all comes

Back to me.

I reach for the phone,

Press a button for your name.


Put it down.

Pick it up.

Try again.

..The crazy wall is strong as ever.

And part of me feels it shouldn’t be this way.

But, I’m utterly lost in this place

So commonly familiar to everyone but me.

You’re the moon and

I’m the tide-

Following blindly-

Every rise and fall of my core

Hanging on your words.

And it’s suffocating-

But, the pillow rests not in your hands.


You’re lovely,

And we’re fine,

But, me-?

I’m a mess of emotions-

Making great whales

Out of guppies.

The phone glows silent, beside me in the darkness.

I leave it.

I close my eyes and focus on me.

Think of things that make me smile.

Try to remember who I am.

Why, hello there, stranger.

It’s been a long time…

It’s been far too long of a time.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Laying the Foundation

It seems like everyone is trying to chase happiness these days. But, we do it such a clumsy way, like toddlers who have just learned to walk- stumbling about with a direction of where we want to go, just a bit perplexed in our ability to actually get there. We think, maybe, if we just have the Newest Gadget or the House on the Hill or the Relationship or The Career or any of the other bazillion things we relentlessly pursue that then happiness might be achieved. The simplists might long for more emotional things over the material. Seeking praise for a job well done, hearing those 3 little words from someone special, or just enjoying laughter with friends. While those certainly attribute more to true happiness than any finite thing can, that's still not its root.

Happiness starts with YOU. It is a state of mind, rather than something to be achieved or attained. It is a place deep within that must be forcefully, whole-heartedly protected from people who wish to rip past the veil and taint it with negativity. It is somewhere that must exist with or without the presense of others. You should be able to find happiness in a room full of friends as well as an empty space. You have to find that within yourself or you will only ever be relying on other people to make you happy. And that, my friends, will never suffice. So many people try to lure happiness by shining a light on themselves. They go to extreme measures to try and convince everyone that they are, in fact, happy when it's all just a facade. But, when you can find that place within you (and it is there, I assure you) you have to kindle that fire and harness that light. Then, you will shine from the inside out and you won't have to convince yourself or anyone of your happiness- it will be all too evident.

Concurrently, when you choose to harbor anger and hatred- it's like putting a pin in the hand of your enemy and waiting for the worst. The hole in the veil might seem small, but the smallest amount of negative thought is enough to destroy everything magical, golden, and loving that lies beyond. Forgive. Choose to be happy. Choose YOU.

Surely, the laughter of children and the love that lingers after the words are spoken are both things of happiness. As are sunsets, the scent of babies, holding hands, the chirping of birds, and walking barefoot in the sand. But, let us remember: those are things on which happiness is BUILT. They are not the FOUNDATION. The foundation is YOU.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Traces of Lavendar and Poppy Dreams

I remember what it was like to be young. Your whole life- heck the whole world- stretched out before you like some enigmatic road to nowhere. All you can think about when you’re ten is how it will feel to be thirteen. When you’re thirteen, you just long to be eighteen…then twenty-one…then you just want to reach the point where life will start to make sense. Funny thing is- it never really does. Ninety-three years have passed me by and I’ve yet to experience one day where life made any sort of sense at all. Happiness, sadness, laughter, contentment, anger, desire- they’re all so random, so fleeting. They come about on flits of wind and drift away with the blink of an eye, never lasting the way we want them to.

The metal leg supports of my wheel chair are cold against the thin material that remains where my beautiful, ivory skin used to be. I look at the other poor souls sitting around me in the day-room- an atrocity of space really- decorated to make us feel as if we are at home, instead of this prison garnished with floral wallpaper. My home looked nothing like this and I want so badly to be back there, though I know it’s not possible. I don’t want this fake living room with its plastic protected furniture and sandpaper carpet. No- I want my living room with my art on the walls, coloring both the space and my thoughts with a rich vibrancy. My home with a fluffy couch, my wedding picture hanging above the fireplace, and the sound of my grandchildren’s feet running throughout. But, as I said- it’s just not possible and I dismiss the thought before my heart discovers it and becomes attached. Time is a terrible thief.

It’s “Family Day” here at the pris -oh, I mean “Golden Horizons Senior Retirement Facility.” I guess that looked better for the brochure versus “A Place to Sleep Until You Die Because You’re Old and Burdensome and Society Functions Better Without You.” But, I’m not bitter or anything.
I watch as the faces around me change (or don’t depending upon their condition) at the recognition of familiar voices and smells suddenly surrounding them, the sensations bringing light into eyes that I had long thought dead. Toddlers pushed in strollers, teenagers- some eager and others listless- trailing behind their parental counterparts; all thrust past the lobby entrance and congregate there impeding all forward motion. Arms are extended, hands grasped, cheeks pinched, and kisses exchanged- forcefully or otherwise.

I sit in the corner and watch from a distance. I know no one is coming for me. I’ve been here over a year and it’s the same every time. I can’t blame her, really. Poppy that is- she’s my only daughter and I can’t imagine the task has been easy on her. Still, I cared for her when it was difficult and nearly unbearable, so to say I’m not the slightest bit hurt that she hasn’t been to see me-not once- would be a lie. Agnes is parked across from me with her young grandson perched in her lap, but her features remain blank, icy. She’s younger than me by a good twenty years and is the unfortunate victim of Alzheimer’s, so I’ve heard the nurses mention. I look on as a woman, appearing to be her daughter, speaks to her, trying and failing to resurrect any memory that might be hidden behind the wall that the disease built. She smiles and speaks softly, but the pain is visible in her eyes. The pain is visible and real, and yet here she is… in spite of that. My heart stings a little and suddenly I find myself wishing for some sense of realization or familiarity- something to cross Agnes’s face. Anything at all to make this pain worth it for her daughter- to give her a small bit of hope, or at least peace of mind that she is not a forgotten character in a life that her mother used to lead. But nothing ever does. Her eyes remain, unfocused, on the white tile floor as the now fussy child is removed from her bony frame and cradled in the arms of a mother who knows him. I can’t bear to watch, yet I can’t look away and see her lean down to kiss her crying child, a tear slithering down her own cheek in the process. The sting in my heart turns to outright pain and I’m forced to tear my eyes from the scene in front of me. I turn my chair and head towards the opposite end of the hall, away from the busy lobby and the heartbreak I just witnessed.

I glide past entryways where patients show off their rooms and art projects, a kind of weird shift in roles taking place. The children, suddenly in their parent’s former position, are having an experience somewhat a kin to visiting a five year old in college.

Look how big my room is! I have my own bathroom and everything- isn’t it lovely? Oh and look at this macaroni picture frame I made in arts and crafts last week…

Weird. Just too weird for words.

I move past it all, seeking solace in the cool shade of the garden just outside the double doors at the end of the hall. But something’s not right. The only thing lying past the glass doors before me is the hot, black concrete of the parking lot speckled with cars.

When did that happen?

I must have gotten turned around somewhere. I had been so upset.

But why?
Why was I upset?

My pulse is racing as I take in the white walls and sterile environment around me. It looks like a hospital. Am I sick? I don’t feel sick. It hits me suddenly, unmistakably and I realize I have no idea where I am. And I am so frightened. The feeling engulfs my entire body and panic washes over me. A young woman in purple slacks and a shirt with kittens on it approaches me with a smile.

“Hello, Francine! How are we doing today?” she asked.

“Why am I here? What is this place?” I begin to cry, overwhelmed with emotion.

The young woman moves towards me, but I realize I don’t want her to touch me. I don’t know her and I don’t know where I am and I just want to…I just want to…oh, god- I don’t even know. I swat her away.

“Do not touch me! I am a human being and I have rights! Don’t touch me or I’ll scream, I swear it!!”

Nothing feels safe. Nothing feels familiar. It’s like I’m in some alternate universe where I have no past or future, only the present- but it makes no sense. I’m already screaming it seems, as shoes begin to screech on the floor and make their way in my direction, placing restraints around me. I feel the sharp, pointed metal go into my arm and a sense of calm overcomes my entire being.

I wake up to find a woman sitting in a chair beside my bed. Her strawberry blonde hair is twisted into a loose spiral at the nape of her neck with the slightest flecks of gray showing around the wispy pieces framing her face. Her pale blue eyes are set on my own and there is so much kindness there.

“Hello, there.” she says.

“Hello.” I reply, slightly skeptical. “Who are you?”

Her features flinch slightly.

“My name is Poppy.”

“It’s very nice to meet you, Poppy.” What a beautiful name. I say it a few times in my head, liking the warm thoughts it evokes. I decide to tell her about it.

“That’s such a pretty name.” I tell her.

“Thank you. My mother always said she chose the name because it made her happy when she thought about it. She said it made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like the feeling you get on the last night of summer.”

I look back at her, intrigued by how comfortable I feel with her. There is something so familiar about her, but I just can’t put my finger on it. The soft, steadiness of her voice seems to ease my fears- quieting ghosts that seem to always be clanging about, hangers-on to a life I don’t know how to live.

“I had a daughter once.” I say to her, letting the words escape before I am fully able to remember whether this is true or not. It feels true. Here with her, it feels so true. I give in to the peaceful feeling as she reaches to hold my hand in her own. Her face softens more as she pulls it to her mouth and presses her lips against my frail, skeleton of a hand.

She stays for a long while, showing me old pictures of her mother and father, newer ones of her children and tells me stories about their most recent adventures. I’m not sure what she wants with me or why she isn’t actually visiting her mother. Perhaps she was dead and her daughter still came to spend time with other patients in honor of her. She didn’t say and I didn’t ask. I was just glad she was here. We both fall quiet, but her hand is still entwined with mine and I can feel her thumb stroking the top of it as she begins to hum. The sound is hushed and pleasant- the kind of content humming of a lullaby perhaps. The various notes dance around and ricochet off the walls. It sounds so familiar and I think I might have heard it before, so I join her- the voice coming from my throat much less beautiful than hers.

She turns to me now, her blue eyes the color of a clear, spring puddle; and- I notice- just as wet. Something churns inside of me as she raises my hand to the side of her cheek and holds it there. We hum the song over and over until I feel sleep beckoning me once again. I try to resist, but soon find I can’t.

When she stands to go, she bends down and kisses the corner of my mouth, her lavender perfume filling the space around me. I don’t want her to go, but I know she must. Sleep still has me in its clutch, but I can feel her beside me, her breath on my neck and I hear three faint words whispered- almost inaudible- in my ear.

I love you, Mom.

My breath catches in my throat, and I keep my eyes shut tight. I sense her moving away from me, breaking my hand from hers and resting it on the bed beside me. I can feel her distance growing with every step she takes and I long for her to stay. Her last words both scare and comfort me, but I can’t figure out why. I hear the door click shut behind her and I’m alone again.

I think I had a daughter once. Yes, I think I did. I wonder if she thinks of me. Sleepiness makes my eyelids heavy and as the world around me falls away, the scent of lavender remains... subtle and sweet.

Coming Together

The song’s been played,

And at the end of the day
All I really want to do is crawl into your embrace.
Feel the tenderness there,
Just as those notes made me feel happy and safe.
I want to lie like we did in the newness of Spring-
When all we wanted was everything-
To keep us in that moment.
Your eyes locked on mine.
Your breath on my cheek.
The darkness enveloping us in its quiet cloak.
So, so beautiful.
I swear I could’ve lingered there forever.
Days fall off the calendar.
We watch them flutter to the floor-
Each one bringing us closer together.
Miles melting away,
Like mirages on the highway
That we leave in our wake.
I walk around in a glow of emotions,
Of which you are the source of light.
I want to be that source for you-
Quiet your ghosts.
Ease your fears.
Chase your hurt.
And it is the experience of all those feelings-
Constant and vigilant-
That always bring me back to you.


Home. That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of you. Being with you feels like coming home after being gone for a while. You feel wanted, cared for, safe, like you belong, like you have renewed purpose. So much comfort exists between us. Lying with my head, just so, in the crook of your arm and your chest; the other wrapped around me as if creating a barrier between us and the outside world. I can feel your heartbeat on the side of my cheek- a rhythm I want so badly to memorize. Our breathing even seems to be in unison. Talking, laughing, learning- it all comes so easily between us as we exist in that moment. Falling asleep, knowing there is no other place you would rather be at that moment, is perfection. As the sunlight seeps through the small slit in the curtains to our right, it shines a flawless, golden ray across us; growing larger as the day gets older just outside the window. Soon, the room itself seems to have a sheer glow about it-magical. I can hear you snoring beside me, my head still nestled against your chest. I watch you, see how peaceful you are, feel your warmth. My fingers trace the outline of your jaw, trying to soak you in and savor every moment. Your eyes flutter a bit at my touch, opening slightly- looking down at me. Two lips press against my forehead, and you pull me in closer. I wonder if I have ever felt more content. Have I ever felt more complete? And yet again, I find myself just wanting to exist here with you. Can’t we make this moment last forever? We both wish we could. It’s evident in so many ways, from our attempts to stretch out our days to the way we hold each other, knowing good-bye’s will come too soon. I let the magic of the morning wash over me and then…there it is again…that feeling. I was home- and I didn’t want to leave.


I lay still-

Existing softly.
Cradled between
Moments of solitude
And unbridled explorations,
I am omnipresent-
An omniscient force.
I am the warmth
That fills the spaces
And lets the breath catch
In your chest.
I silently stitch the organs-
Joined in rhythm
With their beating.
It’s a euphoric kind of pain.
The kind you won’t remember,
But feel so happy to have endured.
I am comfort.
I am safety.
I am belonging.
I am eternal.
I see beauty in a
Field of flaws-
Each one a charming
Reminder of reality.
Who you are already
Is already perfection to me.
I’m the notes that make his laughter
And the contentment in her sighs.
With or without my presence-
Life will never be the same.

Ghost of You

I curl up with my thoughts of you,

And your voice on the other end of the phone.
Merging the two together to form
Some temporary version of you-
Fictitiously at my side yet
Synonymously real and 322 miles away.
The pieces come together,
Placating my heart, body, and emotions
Until I see you again.
What I wouldn’t give to just be with you-
Making up.
To sleep and wake to your scent-
Your touch.
Exist like that always.
But, for now,
Your ghost is enough to get me by-
Happily haunting everything I am,
Until fiction becomes reality once again.

Links to You

I want to write a sentence to explain

these feelings-
A verse so brilliantly woven
It spans the thin line between
What has already been experienced
And what is yet to come.
Words tightly pulled together,
Jumping from the page to
Grab you,
Pull you in by the piece of your heart
That steadies the beat of my own.
I want it to reach you,
Floating effortlessly over the
Space that lies between us-
Surrounding you in a sheath
Of my emotions.
And you will feel it around you.
When you’re walking.
When you’re laughing.
When you’re sleeping.
As you’re dreaming.
And you’ll think of me-
And smile…

Courage to Speak

(not finished completely...still needs a bit of work)

You’re like a gravitational force, pulling me in

A large black hole-
No beginning, no end.
Just warm, amber comfort
Like brandy on my lips
On the harsh nights of winter
As the wind comes round in clips.
Cutting through the loneliness,
Expose the love beneath.
See it peeking through.
Being brave enough to reach.
**Chorus Intro**
And I’m scared- so scared
To show it,
To let you see it there.
Those words remain
Hang suspended in the air.

And all the while- yes all the while
My heart is screaming
What my mouth won’t say.
I love you-
I love you-
I love you-
In every little way…
Yeah in every little way.

The waves keep time outside the door
Crashing and rolling,
Surging for more.
Your hand hooked with mine,
Rests on your chest.
Of all of our moments-
I remember this best.
My heart- in your pocket- is along for the ride.
I’m safe in your arms,
But can’t swallow my pride.

And I’m scared- so scared
To show it,
To let you see it there.
Those words remain
Hang suspended in the air.

And all the while- yes all the while
My heart is screaming
What my mouth won’t say.
I love you-
I love you-
I love you-
In every little way…
Yeah in every little way.

Remnants of Perfection


It’s a little like perfection

In this moment with you,
Where the sky is green
And the grass is blue.
You’ve turned my world
Upside down.
If this feeling is an ocean,
Well then, baby, let me drown.
Let it take me in completely,
Let it swallow me whole
Until the only thing that’s left
Is the essence of my soul.


You charged in,
And changed my life.
Remember when
We kissed
That first time
Your heart, it beat,
Along with mine.
Time stood still
And I still feel
That way.

I could walk down any street
And see your face a million times-
Hear the tenor of your voice,
As it echoes in my mind.
From the little pizzeria
That serves your favorite pie.
To the clovers on the sidewalk
That match the color of your eyes.
All these tiny remnants
Trace a smile across my lips.
The pieces come together,
And it’s such a seamless fit.

You charged in,
And changed my life.
Remember when
We kissed
That first time
Your heart, it beat,
Along with mine.
Time stood still
And I still feel
That way.


All the things I want to do
I only want to do with you.
And if that’s love,
Then take the shot.
I’m only giving
All I’ve got.
And I know you’re invested too
Giving equal parts of you.
And it fills-me-up-inside.

You charged in,
And changed my life.
Remember when
We kissed
That first time
Your heart, it beat,
Along with mine.
Time stood still
And I still feel
That way.

Growing Up, I Hit A Glitch

Remember when lightening bugs

were fairies?
When boxes were kindgoms,
And dreams were apples waiting to fall from
Their luscious, green homes
Right into our laps?
We savored them completely,
Sweet juices running down our chins.
It was that easy.
It was that magical.
Because we didn’t know better.

We hadn’t yet bitten into a
Façade of sweetness,
Only to discover the rotten core
That was lain within-
The remnants of things that
Once were pure and true,
Now reeking with an achrid stench.

Where goes that wonder?
Where goes that trust in that
Which we have no reason to trust at all?
Where does it exist,
But in the heart of childhood?
We watch,
We wait,
We pinch,
We pry,
We protect,
We predict.
But, when do we ever just believe?
Saccharine or rancid,
Win or lose,
The orchard is there
For the taking.

Late Bloomer

Little late bloomer

With your little doe eyes.
Spring came, but you
missed it.
Lingering low-
Just beneath the
Always content to
look up,
But never believing
there was a place for you
In the sun.
Wouldn’t it feel lovely
against your skin?
Wouldn’t you like to linger there?
Just linger there glowing in
all that light…
In all of that beautiful light..

New Year, Lessons Learned, and All That Jazz

Trying to move posts from another blog to this one...dates be damned.

It’s the final hours of the year, and I’m left as I always am: pondering. Reflective. I don’t think I have ever felt more sentimentally attached to a year as I do this one. I am, in no way, the same person I was at this time last year. God knows 2010 was a rough year for my family and I- and though there were definitely things I wished for- I was just happy to have made it to and through the holidays together. Little did I know that the upcoming year would provide me with memories and experiences I never thought I would acquire. They weren’t always beautiful, but they were always, always essential. I was inspired, I was loved, I fell in love, I felt beautiful thoughts, I endured painful consequences, I read lovely books, I laughed at jokes- some witty, others not so much, I listened to music and sang songs that stirred my soul. So, in celebration of saying goodbye to 2011, here is a small, hindsight list of lessons that personified this year for me:

- Don’t run away. Even when you think it’s easier or will bring you more joy. It won’t.

- Put positivity out into the world. It usually comes back 10 fold.

- Every day may not be beautiful, but there is beauty in every day.

- When given the choice- choose happiness. Always.

- Furthermore, never rely on someone or something to decide your happiness. Only YOU are in charge of that, and it is a state of mind you must CHOOSE (see above).

- Don’t spend your present worrying about a future you can’t control.

- Do things that make you HAPPY.

- Concurrently, surround yourself with people who make you happy and lift you UP, not the ones who bring you DOWN.

- Own your feelings. Talk about them, write them down, whatever it takes for you to identify and acknowledge them.

- Don’t just give love with the expectation of getting love in return. When you truly love, it’s not a choice, and it’s given without stipulation.

- Believe that it’s okay to not know some things. Life is a learning process. As long as you are always striving to further that knowledge, that’s all that matters.

- NEVER SETTLE for less than you deserve or REST on what you have already achieved. Growth doesn’t happen by standing still.

- Sometimes you have to walk away from what you WANT in order to get what you NEED.

- Allow yourself (and others) time. Don’t rush things. Just let situations play out.

- SMILE. You might be surprised by what it does for you and others.

- Give (honest) compliments. Sometimes, the littlest kindness can make the difference between someone and their breaking point.

- When people say relationships are hard work—they aren’t kidding.

- Don’t lose yourself in someone else, no matter how happy they make you. That happiness, much like a bubble, could burst at any moment and you still have to know yourself outside that protective, shiny barrier.

- Always be yourself. As Dr.Suess said: People who mind don’t matter and people who matter don’t mind.

- Make goals and celebrate little successes.

- The only way to push PAST fear is to push THROUGH it.

- Being fearless isn’t having no fears. No- being fearless is being scared to death, but jumping anyway.

- Life is hard and crazy and beautiful and chaotic and amazing. Even in the moments where you think you are literally breaking apart piece by piece. Because there will come a time when you realize that pain and those scars have made you who you are right now. And what a beautifully broken person that is!

Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2012 is wonderful for you all.

Bird of Summer

You could be my bird of summer, just like the song sings. Gliding lovely in nature about my existence, enjoying the view and the feeling of sun on your back, but sensing the winter looming- inevitable. And I could cry and beg, plead with you not to go- tears flowing freely like the memories we’ve made. I could give you an ultimatum- all or nothing- with or without. But, I know where that would leave me in the end. And I would deserve that for making you choose between school , your dreams, everything you’ve ever worked for and myself. I know greatness awaits you. I know that when the cold winds and swirling snow threaten your flight, you will persevere. Because that’s what you do- you persevere. So, I will not attempt to clip your wings or harness your ambition in the cramped quarters of a fraudulent birdcage. Instead, I will relish in everything you are now and watch with wonder at the person you become. I will fill you up with every good thought about you and me and us- tucking them away like little pieces of Spring inside your heart. I will support you. I will shine in the glow of your excitement. I will listen to your fears and concerns, your voice unsteady and mildly strained. Then I will try my best to chase those thoughts away, back to their dark corners- command that they stay-wait for the confidence to resume. I will tell you to go. I will love you more than I love my own selfish wants and desires. I will stand still knowing that I am better for just having known you and all of the wonderful things you’ve taught me- about life and love and beauty. I will watch you and celebrate as you fly away, only breaking apart on the inside, knowing that if we are destined to be together-if it’s God’s will- you will find your way back. To home. To me.

Bird of Summer by A Fine Frenzy