Thursday, April 22, 2010

There is a Blog for Everyone

I know this might seem a little like-DUH- to most bloggers/blog readers, but it is a legitimate new thought for me. I have found myself thinking a lot recently about how to get more people to be aware of my blog and its existence. I thought that maybe I wasn't writing in a way to reach does a blogger get on the "Notable Blogger" list again? Then I had an epiphany: There are billions of blogs out there, floating about in the abyss of the cyber world. There are just as many, if not more, blog readers (you know the type, like to read, but don't have the time to blog themselves...I used to be one. Creeper.) but I will not appeal to them all. There is no way, nor would I want to do so. You know why? Because that would make me run of the mill. That would make me generic in some way. I will just continue to write about what I love: I will write short stories. I will write about margaritas. I will write (inevitably) about someone I love. I will (most assuredly) write about someone I hate. I will be inspired. I will try to inspire others. I will laugh while I blog and will, no doubt, cry too. I will live my life and document the pieces as I see it, from my puny-yet real-perspective.

When I was growing up ( I done?)

While I grow up, I have been known to say "I'm sorry" quite a lot. Even if it wasn't necessarily my fault. I felt that I needed to bear the brunt of the blame. I'm not really sure why. If someone didn't like the way I did something, I would change it. I look back and become really, majorly frustrated with myself for doing this. I am at a point in my life where I refuse to continue to apologize for being ME. I can not, do not, and will not change, conform, degrade any part of myself for the pleasure of someone who never did that for me. I will not befriend people who put the "narc" in narcissistic. They physically make me sick. I will not allow myself to feel bad for leaving said people behind. I shake off the losers like dust. And I do not look back. Or maybe I do and this is what I'd like to change because, let's face it: it is hard to say goodbye and really mean it. This time I will do it. I will mean it.

So, I'm gonna go give myself a bear hug and really start to embrace this burgeoning Lizz within. I was told recently that I am hardcore. I'm going to try to live up to that now.

:)    (<----Old habits die hard)


  1. Lizz, one of the ways you get readers is by visiting and commenting (the more thoughtful or interesting the comment, the better) on tons of blogs every single day. It's really the only magic way I know of. You might also want to join Tribal Blogs. It was started by Jennifer of RedheadRanting, a very experienced blogger and I've not only gotten a lot of traffic from it, I've discovered some great new writers.

    Write your truth always. Then do the leg work.

    Good luck. - Jayne

  2. Jayne,

    Thnaks so much for the advice :) I try and get out and about in the blogosphere, but it has been hard recently, what with all of my thesis and paper writing. With the end of the semester looming ever so near, I look forward to plunging in head first in the next few weeks. I have found that it has been hard for me to find interesting blogs. I have a few, like yours, that I really look forward to reading; but I'm not really sure how to search for new ones except by the "notable blog" list.

    Still appreciating your presence on my BloG. Hope I am not boring you to tears!


  3. Please disregard any moronic gramatical errors. My mind bears a resemblence to goo at the moment :-/
