So I had planned on writing a slammin blog posting while at work today. It's a Friday: there's lots of down time. I don't usually ost at work because, down time or not, I like to be alone and really able to immerse myself in thought when I write. I'm not saying I
have to, but it is my chosen path. It is hard for me to concentrate and really sink my teeth into a piece with phones ringing, file drawers clapping shut, and a copier/scanner/faxer that has decided to be bipolar. However, in a jam, I can mostly go to my quiet mental place and churn it out. Today, however, there are two maintenance men working away not two feet from my desk. With their
BAMMING, and their sawing,and their "They painted over the hinges! I told them not to paint over the henges!" it is quite hard to find a quiet place of any kind. so, between answering the phone and having to yell ("NO! HE'S NOT HERE RIGHT NOW CAN I TAKE A MESSAGE? NO A MESSAGE- DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE A MESSAGE? HE WON'T BE IN UNTIL 11:00. ELEVEN. YES I'LL TELL HIM YOU CALLED.") and answering emails...I'm lucky this made it here at all.
I do plan on posting a real one later on tonight, as I have recently been very inspired by thinking back to some stories my mother told me of her childhood growing up on a farm and just the overall way I believe life might have been in my hometown back then. I'm excited to be able to sit down and really delve into it. I just wrapped up my on site class last night and have only my final to complete for my online class. I plan on doing that when I get home this afternoon and then I will be DONE! Oh, how I have longed for summer! It's going to officially begin this weekend and I'm not looking back. It has been a stressful semester and I am very glad that I made it out alive.
Until later, have a splendid Friday everyone :)
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