Happiness starts with YOU. It is a state of mind, rather than something to be achieved or attained. It is a place deep within that must be forcefully, whole-heartedly protected from people who wish to rip past the veil and taint it with negativity. It is somewhere that must exist with or without the presense of others. You should be able to find happiness in a room full of friends as well as an empty space. You have to find that within yourself or you will only ever be relying on other people to make you happy. And that, my friends, will never suffice. So many people try to lure happiness by shining a light on themselves. They go to extreme measures to try and convince everyone that they are, in fact, happy when it's all just a facade. But, when you can find that place within you (and it is there, I assure you) you have to kindle that fire and harness that light. Then, you will shine from the inside out and you won't have to convince yourself or anyone of your happiness- it will be all too evident.
Concurrently, when you choose to harbor anger and hatred- it's like putting a pin in the hand of your enemy and waiting for the worst. The hole in the veil might seem small, but the smallest amount of negative thought is enough to destroy everything magical, golden, and loving that lies beyond. Forgive. Choose to be happy. Choose YOU.
Surely, the laughter of children and the love that lingers after the words are spoken are both things of happiness. As are sunsets, the scent of babies, holding hands, the chirping of birds, and walking barefoot in the sand. But, let us remember: those are things on which happiness is BUILT. They are not the FOUNDATION. The foundation is YOU.
You're right. Happiness is a place you come from, not a place you go. How did you get so wise at your age? It took me -- oh, who's counting? ;)
ReplyDeleteJayne! How lovely to hear from you again! I'm so sorry I am just now noticing this (very kind) comment. I guess I have just always believed that happiness is more of a journey rather than a destination. But, I can't say I live that every day. I'm human and I beat up on myself and strive to get every one of those things listed in the piece. But, then I have to stop. Take a breath. And remind myself of my own words. I can choose to be happy. It's been hard lately, what with a fractured heart and all. But, if anything I have realized that this is the time I need to be strongest the most- for myself. It's a daily chore to live though. Giving the alternatives...what choice to we have? It really is great to hear from you :) Thank you for sticking around, even throughout my hiatus from blogging!