With scuff marks on your shoes,
You stand aside at recess
To let the other children play.
You sit outside at lunch
To let them enjoy the circulated air.
Always busy doing
2x5 is 10 or
Spelling a-n-i-m-a-l.
They never notice you don't eat,
Never ask about it either.
They think that you can't hear them call you
"Dirty Little Pretty Thing".
As if being dirty
Also makes you deaf.
Teachers smile politely-
Children tolerate-
Strangers' prying eyes-
Mama's falling tears-
Dirty Little Pretty Thing
Digging through the dumpsters in the back.
You'd be surprised what others throw away:
Fruit and bread, half eaten-
Ant ridden pieces of fried chicken-
Shake 'em off, pack it all away.
Start to walk the distance between the school-yard and home.
You see him waiting in his place.
You'd go another way,
But he would find you still,
Take advantage of your name and situation;
Make it real.
He gets his jollies,
You get your groceries-
In your seven year old mind...
It's a fair trade.
Get to the path
Beneath the bridge,
Kneel down and unload your supply.
Mama is pleased- lying on her hard, cardboard bed,
Covered by a blanket
Found behind the "Good Will."
Today is a good day.
Mama says, "You might not be that smart, but thank God for your beauty!"
Dirty Little Pretty Thing-
If she only knew...
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